About us.
The Writers.
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About The Chaotic Lensman.

LENSMAN, defintion:
A photographer. Someone who uses a camera and lens to take photographs.
First known use in 1938.

Merrian-Webster Dictionary

The Chaotic Lensman is an old-fashioned newsletter written in the style of a newspaper column. Each weekly issue is crafted with care and will cover a range of topics from interviews & photographer profiles, to interesting facts, history, quick tips & tricks, reviews, critiques, and advice. Short, easily digestible content that can be read in five minutes or less. Written by film photography enthusiasts for analogue photographers just like you.


The creator of The Chaotic Lensman is also behind the Aperture Dundee YouTube channel.

The Writers.

Noah von Hatten is a senior writer for The Chaotic Lensman. He is an avid photography enthusiast and camera nerd with a particular passion for analogue photography, literature and history.

Connect with us.

Have questions? Need to reach out to us for one reason or another? No problem! We’d love to hear from you. Feel free to connect with us, we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.